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Marketing & Position Management

With over 43 years as a cotton trader managing a myriad of growths from U.S. cottons to most non-U.S. growths, Tim North Consulting provides this experience and knowledge to various sectors from growers, to merchant handlers, agents and spinning mills.


Managing risks involved in purchasing and selling has never been so complex and challenging. Volatility has increased exponentially over the past decade and it is likely to only increase in the future. Those engaged in cotton from producing through to processing need experienced help in navigating the market.


In depth knowledge of most of the world’s cottons through hands on experience will help mills to determine which cottons are available to suit their needs. We are here to help and we can offer invaluable advice in helping a spinner select a variety of cottons that can be both cost effective and meet their needs to produce their products.


Discussing futures and options strategies to help mitigate against violent price swings that have become common place over the past several years is an area where we bring decades of tried and tested experience. 


Counter party risk is as challenging as it has ever been. After mitigating the many challenges faced by rapidly moving markets, all can be lost if Parties are not analytical and prudent in choosing their counter parties. Understanding and identifying reliable counter parties is an integral part of safe trading and this is an area in which we specialize. 


Assisting those wishing to set up supply source operations and/or sales networks to access certain consuming markets or specific clients.


Brokerage services.


Extra Long staple and Pima cottons are specialist markets. Tim North has spent almost 40 years actively trading these cottons and can offer broad ranging insights to those who sell and buy these specialist cottons. 


Our weekly News and Views will offer insights into current marketing conditions for cotton trading across the world. We are willing and able to apply our knowledge and experience on a contracting basis.


For further details and pricing, please contact us

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